Sunday, February 09, 2025

Blog, Motivation

Trust the Process

The Cambridge Dictionary defines a process as ” a series of actions that you take to achieve a result. I believe there is a process for everything that happens in life. The beginning of life itself is a process that, comes with the pain of childbirth on the mothers part. The process can be painful at times, howbeit as long as you want to get the desired results, you have to endure it.

One of the most challenging process to go through is job hunting. It can be lengthy, exhausting and disappointing as you repeatedly fail to secure a job. You can attend a very positive interview yet still get a regret afterwards, alternatively, you can get the job but receive a substandard offer. Some time ago, I found myself drowning in disappointment after getting a regret from an interview that seemed to have gone very well. I had invested a lot of time researching and preparing for the interview. It was for a good position, and my qualifications and skills met the job requirements. The panel was professional, and the whole interview process had a very positive vibe to it. I was confident about my performance and very hopeful that I had nailed it. However, still, I was unsuccessful because someone else proved to be a better fit for the job.

So I soldier on and continue with my job hunt till I get my desired job. I was certainly disappointed but not discouraged. Likewise, don’t give up when you encounter disappointments or difficulties along the process. Every action you take, successful or not is a step towards your end goal. It is a time of preparation for what is to come. Refuse to cut your journey short because life has given you lemons. Instead, consider it an opportunity to find out all the numerous ways you can use them.

Trust the process and more importantly survive it!

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