Sunday, February 09, 2025


Nomazulu Malandu

My name is Nomazulu and music is my passion. Life has taught me that dreams are personal and should be guarded jealously. I come from a place where peers did not believe that one could have a meaningful career in music, so they laughed when I shared my desire to pursue music. Back then, their criticism felt like a punch in the stomach which left a dent on my confidence but eventually, I realised that what looks unreasonable to others is what may shape someone else’s destiny.

I started singing at a very young age, and eventually joined the choir at my church. In 2006 I got the opportunity to lead the youth music team at my church, and this ignited my passion for music to another level. Throughout the journey, my husband has been one of my greatest supporters. In 2009 he urged me to enrol for a bachelor’s degree in Music and Musicology at the Midlands State University, which I completed in 2014. Indeed he has been a destiny partner in every sense.

My passion together with the academic qualification, became a powerful tool in my hands as it gave me a more significant opportunity to be taken seriously. I started the Set-Apart School of Music, through which I offer practical and theory lessons in recorders, piano, guitar, nyunga nyunga mbira, choral and percussion training to various schools. Teaching music has been one of the most fulfilling moments in my journey thus far; it has helped broaden my skill in the art of music. In 2014 I submitted my dissertation abstract at the ZEGU call for abstracts, which went on to be published by the Cambridge Scholars Publishing alongside other great authors in the music field in 2018. My topic in the scholarly book Pentecostalism and Human Rights in Contemporary Zimbabwe focused on assessing the role of worship music in Harvest House International churches, the case study being Gweru branches.

I believe music plays an essential role in shaping a person’s life, particularly at a subconscious level. Think about it this way, how often after you hear a song, does it keep playing in your head hours or even days after you last heard it? When you look through the lenses of history, there are many stories told of how music shaped people’s lives and, in some cases, brought about a complete revolution. A good example is the history of Zimbabwe; music was one of the crucial aspects of the Chimurenga War that established Zimbabwe as an independent state. If I were to sum it up, I would say music is a potent communication tool that can easily touch the soul.

While my journey started by singing in the church choir, writing, and recording songs for family functions, I have since ventured into the field of writing jingles and songs for other artists as well. In 2019 I recorded my first single ‘Nqonqoda’ (Keep Knocking) which launched in May 2020. Nqonqoda is a testimony of the path I have travelled all these years and the determination, commitment, and hard work I have invested in pursuing my dream. Life has taught me that there will always be hurdles and challenges, yet no matter what giving up is never an option. Keep knocking, hence the emphasis on the phrase Phinda futhi unqonqode (just keep knocking) in the song.

My goal is to be able to play as many musical instruments as possible before I draw my last breath and to also empower as many people as I can through my music. I do not believe in the word impossible. If you want to learn to sing or play an instrument, it is possible, all you need is drive and commitment. I used to desire to be as big as other artists of the day, but one day God rebuked me and said why are you limiting yourself to another person’s ability? So, now my purpose is to fulfil God’s plan for my life to the fullest. I want to go as far as He has predestined me and I know that path is unique to me as the lines on each fingerprint. With God on my side, nothing is impossible; I will achieve greatness in my lifetime.

My message to everyone reading my story is not let the difficulties you face along the way discourage you from pursuing your God-given destiny. Everyone has something to share with the world. I have a medical condition that made doctors conclude that I would never walk, let alone have a career in music. Yet today here I stand. It has not been easy, but I chose never to give up my dream. Refuse to let excuses rob you of the chance to accomplish your goal. Press onward and create the reality you want to see; success will never come on a silver platter, you must ‘Make-It-Happen’.

It has been a journey fraught with many ups and downs, as such patience is one of my treasured traits. Patience positions you in the right place just like Zacchaeus on his thorny Sycamore tree so that the right person passing by will most definitely notice you. When you master the art of patience, you will ideally position yourself to quickly identify all the Godsent people assigned to help you progress towards your destiny.

I desire to change lives and testify of the marvellous works of God and the fullness of life found in Christ. My music comes from a place of overflow after being inspired by God. Psalm 139:5, NIV says that “You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me.” This is what makes Nomazulu. I believe God has me safe in His hand, and He keeps me. Not only that, but He has imparted a gift on me to communicate with a certain kind of people, to give hope, inspiration, love and all the good things that He stands for through music.

Get in Touch with me on the following – Facebook: Nomazulu Malandu | Instagram: nomazulumalandu | Youtube: Nomazulu C Malandu | Call/Whatsapp: +263 773 430 995/+263 773 445 316

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